
torsdag 23. mai 2013

Hunters Stew

Today we tried hunter stew from Toro (a company that creates ready meals). Toro hunters stew can be served with all kinds of meat, but tastes especially good with venison. The preparation was easy:
  1. Cut 500-600 g meat and brown it in the frying pan.
  2. Empty bag contents into a saucepan. Add 2 cups sour cream / crème fraîche and 6 ml of water.
  3. Bring to a boil, stirring constantly and cook for 10 minutes. Add the meat at the end of the cooking time.
  4. Serve with baked potatoes, mashed potatoes or rice.
Since we did not manage to agree on the accessories, we took both potato ball and rice. And wolá! A tasty stew with much good in. Behold of our deluxe dinner, Potato Ball with pork strips, vegetables, gravy and rice!

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