
søndag 10. februar 2013

The year of the Water Snake

Happy Chinese New Year!
From today on heralds the beginning of the Year of the Water Snake.

The highlight of this merry festival, means in 15 days, from sunrise to sunset, I get to eat a lot of good food and snacks! Like the Sweet Egg Twist (蛋散dansan), who is a traditional Chinese New Year snack, at least in Hong Kong. And that's also why I tried to make some.

Can't say my first try was a success... was like "Beauty and the Beast in comparison. Some went literally to hell, a totally disaster(!), but somehow, in a miraculous way,  I got hold of some few.

Everyone, I wish you a Happy Chinese New Year!

 恭喜發財! 龍馬精神! 萬事如意! 心想事成! 大吉大利! 出入平安!

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