
torsdag 7. mars 2013

Visiting Grandma

I have from the start of this trip said "vacation", but the main reason, or the main factor I decided to take some time free from my studies, is because of Grandma. She is hospitalized for stroke.

She have been hospitalized since Sunday, 13th January, at that time they didn't think she may survive, but against all odds, she is recovering. She have in 2 months been exercising and got acupuncture, and can now move her right hand and foot. However, the left side and the ability to speak isn't quite there yet.

After a one-sided conversation with Grandma, the doctor informed that she is well enough to be moved to a nursing home at Ap Lei Chau, the district where she lived before the stroke. She will be staying at the nursing home around 3 months, give and take, before she can go home to Grandpa.

We chose the nearest nursing home so Grandpa, who also are poor in health can easily visit her. We hope this will give more motivation for Grandma for quicker recovery and set her mind at ease, since hospitalized she only have been worrying for Grandpa and wanted to go home.

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